SURPRISE! I’m speaking at…🤩

Hey Reader,

My time in San Francisco, and what's next! 🌉👀

I had a great time meeting everyone that came to my San Francisco meetup last week - in fact, we had people join a wait list in case new spots opened up last minute! It was a blast 🚀

meetup-sf meetup-sf

It was also my first time visiting the Gusto office!✨ It was interesting meeting my co-workers after working together for so many months.

gusto-office-electric-sign office-life-at-gusto

Although I’m sad my trip to San Francisco has come to an end, I’m really excited with what the next couple of months have to offer. Not only is my Product Strategy for Designers course going live in April, but I have also been invited to speak at two conferences this year! 🥳

  1. I’ll be speaking at the Awwwards Digital Thinkers Conference on May 3 - 5, 2023. Get a crash course in the skills needed to have strategic influence and build strong partnerships in your cross-functional teams.
  2. I’ll be speaking at the Vancouver UX Awards on March 28, 2023. Known as Vancouver’s largest UX Design event, there will be opportunities for user-centric organizations, agencies, start-ups, freelancers, and students to be recognized for their work over the past year.

If you plan to be at either of those events let me know in the community Discord!

Last Call! Learn Design Systems Online in 8 Weeks with Dan Mall

Did you know that 97% of design system learners are considered more attractive than their peers? Now’s your very last chance to enroll in Dribbble’s Scaling Design Systems Course with Dan Mall starting on February 13. Upgrade your design career with flexible learning, weekly mentorship, and hiring connections on Dribbble.

Ditch boring meetings and try this instead 👇

In an increasingly remote world, meetings have become a work from home staple. No one wants to run a bad meeting, yet sometimes you can’t help but think “this could’ve just been an email!” With Pip decks you’re not just getting a deck of cards, you gain premium training to craft stories, AND make meetings fun.

Pip decks give you the confidence to engage your team when you work together. Get 15% off with code: FEMKEDESIGN

Join the Talent Collective ✨

Looking to move up in your career, or looking for something new?

I work with multiple other really cool companies hiring for designers, so if you're looking for a role - or looking for designers to join your company - consider signing up to my talent collective.

Join me for weekly group work sessions while levelling up your career ✨

Are you looking to level up your career but have trouble advocating for your ideas and making design decisions based on strong rationale? Join my Product Strategy for Designers course and get access to ALL-NEW templates, videos, and resources that you will be able to specifically repurpose for work and build conviction in your design decisions. 🔥 28 spots left 🔥

The portfolio presentation that got me hired as a design manager ✔️

video preview

Gain insights to my process, prep, and the portfolio that got me hired as a design manager - despite not having any management experience! Management has always been an area I wanted to grow into, and I was pretty nervous but I didn’t let it stop me from applying to these jobs, interviewing and landing a new role 🤗

Gems of the week 💎

⚡Seriously, this Figma keyboard shortcut cheat sheet is a game changer!

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Eli Parra
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January 27th 2023

👀 Anyone else REALLY want this in their home?

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the Design Museum
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Twitter Logo
January 26th 2023

But, know it’s unconventional and have no space for it… 😥

Have a topic you'd like us to chat about? Reply to this email and let me know!

Level up your product design career!

Join over 30,000 designers! Learn to advocate for your ideas, influence your team–and step up your product design career with Femke ✨

Read more from Level up your product design career!

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, This past January, I gave a talk at the 10x Conference which set the stage for a gathering like no other - a beacon for designers eager to broaden their horizons, refine their craft, and connect with the creators of the design community. I aimed to share a transformative experience with my talk, The Influential Product Designer. Where I distilled years of navigating the complex web of product...

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, This week, I want to touch on design systems and how they bridge the gap between design and development, but achieving seamless collaboration in this arena is a challenge many teams face. The key? It's not just about perfecting the system; it's about perfecting the process of collaboration and communication. In this video, Molly Hellmuth mentions how finding the perfect rhythm in collaborating...

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, In a world where design trends shift quicker than a click, staying relevant isn't just about keeping up—it's about leading the charge. This week, I’m sharing my top resources to future-proofing your design skills. Explore insightful podcasts for a deep dive into innovative design approaches, and empower your skill set with courses. Keep reading to uncover skills and strategies that will elevate...